luni, 28 iunie 2010


I don't know what it is, but there's something about high heels that makes me psychotic. A lot like the smell of gasoline makes me psychotic. And the way my room looks when it hasn't been cleaned in a month makes me psychotic. And the sweat stains on a hot day make me psychotic and of course, if I forget wearing stockings, the irritation on my legs makes me psychotic. Or the way people seem to look at me when I'm dressed up makes me psychotic. And the sound of cellulose makes me psychotic. And the ticking clock at night makes me psychotic. And if you put those two together, you can go to hell. And my insomnia makes me psychotic. And the way my breath smells bad in the morning makes me psychotic. And being all alone on a free Saturday makes me psychotic. And being all alone on a free Saturday, with no electricity makes me psychotic. And being all alone on a free Saturday, when it rains really bad and it thunders and there's no electricity, makes me psychotic. And incidentally my worst fear, after spiders, is thunders, so if you make me stand in a rain of spiders that thunders, then I'll get as psychotic I can be. And the way my skin burns after you touched it makes me psychotic. And the way you kiss her in front of me makes me psychotic, and I don't wanna talk about this anymore because I'm unbelievably fucking psychotic!

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

stupid. inchide blogul, te faci de ras. inchide si calculatorul si poate asa mai si traiesti.

Un copil cuminte spunea...

Yay, un Anonim supărat.
Nu văd nimic rău în a fi uneori stupid. Blogul nu-l închid, că n-am de ce. Calculatorul se închide singur de obicei, că eu uit de el. Iar viața mea e cu siguranță la fel de palpitantă ca a ta, numai că eu nu-mi pierd vremea cu lucrurile care nu-mi plac.
Of, ce trist. De ce nu mă place toată lumea? Aproape că-mi vine să plâng. Cum ar spune Phoebe :)
"Ok, and don't take this the wrong way, but... BACK OFF!"