duminică, 20 martie 2011

just like a last kiss

remember my face, my words, my voice.
remember I'm away, but not forever.
remember I have a poetry written in your book.
remember you want that perfect handshake.
remember you want that perfect dance, that perfect gesture that makes you smile, that perfect moment when you hear his breath while sleeping.
remember you want the perfect instant in which he walks with his hands in his pocket, the perfect kiss on your lips, the perfect rude interruption, the perfect fight, the perfect imperfections, the perfect flaws, the perfect beautyspot, the perfect scar...
remember what you want, because it's all you've got. remember me, as imperfect as this world we live in. remember my name, remember sunshine, remember all the nice people, all the beautiful places, remember to ask yourself about me, remember me, remember me, remember me, remember this last kiss...

2 comentarii:

p!nk_terror spunea...

mdea... cum se face ca nu scrii ceva serios... gen get a publisher?

Un copil cuminte spunea...

mdea... pai nu prea e loc nici de seriozitate, nici de misto, nu aici, pe blog...
iar de publicat... poate doar vreun "ghid al oamenilor zapaciti si aiuriti: cum sa nu-ti mai cauti ochelarii in 10 pasi simpli"
1. nu-i mai cauti
2. bei o cafea cu lapte
3. citesti ceva bun
4-10. program la alegere :)